Jee main is one of the prestigious Exam in India.. More than 10 lakh candidates appear every year.. The competition is very high in order to get good college we must practice the questions with good book.... Here are the list of books should be followed in jee mains examination...
PHYSICS is crucial for the jee main perpration... One must be good at understanding the concept and solving problem abilities....
1.The concept of physics by H. c Verma is best among all books..
2.I.e erodov is good for mechanics
3.Dc pandey
It is one of the easiest subject for scoring in jee mains
One must follow the NCERT text book because most of the reaction asked in this topic directly... Here is the list of books
1.physical chemistry -N. avasthi balaji publication
2.Inorganic - V. K JAISWAl, JED LEE or you can follow cengage
3. Organic - M. S chauhan balaji publication
This is tougher subject for many aspirant but you can score 50+ easily in this subject if you have practised properly in this subject.. Many books are there but few are very good... Here is the list
1.R. d sharma objective
2.S L LONEY for conic section
There are few books you should follow in order to get good rank in reputed college..all the best
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